Saturday, November 10, 2007

the heavens opened

. . . . and blessings poured, literaly!

* a 20-piece set of scissors! a dream for every crafter!
* a brown funky mailman bag, i've been dying to have!
* a signature denim that fits. and it's free!
* Cote d'Or mignonettes, the chocolates that brought back memories of italy!
* Eclispe! who doesn't need mints in their bags?

these are but material things but behind them are the warm, loving thoughts of my friends who gave them.

i thank the heavens for friends whose presence (and absence!) in my life made it richer.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

wishing on this blog

i have many blogs.

i'm very good at starting blogs, but still better at losing interest later. it must be because i haven't written what i really want to say. i haven't written what i really feel. the posts are empty, just random words stringed together thoughlessly just to fill up the free space.

you see, i have this sense of entitlement, that if it's free, i better grab my share.
but after the excitement of setting up a blog fizzles, i find myself at a loss what to write.

or perhaps because i am not confident enough to be able to write and be understood. and in my heart of hearts, i have to admit that i fear disclosing my inner thoughts and feelings. disclosure to people i am not close to or even not acquainted to lends me feeling vulnerable. of course, i am assuming that people might stumble on this blog.

so i wish on this blog. may the universe open up and clear a space for me, just a tiny speck is all i ask. for now.