i did it!

this is the fastest puzzle i ever assembled. in two weeks, i would eagerly come home from work, freshen up, mix iced tea, turn on tv to larry king live, settle on my chair by the dining table and begin doing the puzzle for an hour and a half or until dinner is ready.
piece by piece, patiently, i would look for similar patterns and prints, shades and silhoutte. i have previously grouped the pieces according to colors. on some lucky days, i would find the right pieces so easily, just a glance, i would know, almost instinctively that what i am looking at is that one missing piece. other days, it would be a struggle, more taxing, with me trying so many pieces on only one spot. i would grimace, wrinkle my brows if the pieces do not cooperate, or burst into a song when they are insync with me.